| Camp Hill (School of Arts Hall), cnr Old Cleveland Rd and Wiles Street, CAMP HILL |
 | Cavendish Road (Cavendish Road State High School) Cavendish Road, HOLLAND PARK |
 | Coorparoo (Coorparoo State School), 327 Old Cleveland Road, COORPAROO |
 | Coorparoo South (Coorparoo Uniting Church Hall), 9 York Street, COORPAROO |
 | Greenslopes (Greenslopes Baptist Church Hall), cnr Dunellan and Henry Streets, GREENSLOPES |
 | Marshall Road (Marshall Road State School) Kurts Street, HOLLAND PARK WEST |
 | Mt Gravatt (Nursery Road State Special School), 49 Nursery Road, HOLLAND PARK |
 | Mt Gravatt West (Mt Gravatt Showground Industrial Shed), 1644 Logan Road, MOUNT GRAVATT |
 | Norman Park (Uniting Church Hall) Cnr Bennetts Rd & McIlwraith Avenue, NORMAN PARK |
 | Seville Road (Seville Road State School) Cnr Oates Avenue & Roscoe Street, HOLLAND PARK |
 | South Coorparoo (Koala Lou Child Care), 402 Cavendish Road, COORPAROO |
 | St Matthews (Anglican Church Hall), 889 Logan Road, HOLLAND PARK |
 | Stones Corner (The Little Kings Movement for the Handicapped), Carl St corner of O'Keefe Street, BURANDA |
 | West Coorparoo (St James Hall) Kirkland Avenue, COORPAROO |
 | Brisbane CBD All-Districts Centre (Brisbane City Hall, Sandgate Room (polling booth entrance via Ann Street)), 64 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE |
 | Bundaberg All-Districts Centre (Shop 12 and 3), 9 Maryborough Street, BUNDABERG CENTRAL |
 | Burleigh All-Districts Centre, 18 Park Avenue, BURLEIGH HEADS |
 | Cairns All-Districts Centre, 96-98 Mulgrave Road, PARRAMATTA PARK |
 | East Brisbane All-Districts Centre (East Brisbane State School Hall) Wellington Road, EAST BRISBANE |
 | Hervey Bay All-Districts Centre, 82 Dayman Street, URANGAN |
 | Mackay All-Districts Centre (Mackay Showgrounds, 500 Pavilion Lower Level), 24 Milton Street, MACKAY |
 | Maroochydore All-Districts Centre, 19 Duporth Avenue, MAROOCHYDORE |
 | Morayfield All-Districts Centre, 379 Morayfield Road, MORAYFIELD |
 | Noosa All-Districts Centre (Tewantin Campus), 24 Cooroy Noosa Road, TEWANTIN |
 | Oodgeroo All-Districts Centre, 248 Bloomfield Street, CLEVELAND |
 | Redcliffe All-Districts Centre, 3-5 High Street, KIPPA-RING |
 | Southport All-Districts Centre (Ashmore Centre), 345 Southport-Nerang Road, MOLENDINAR |
 | Townsville All-Districts Centre (Hyde Park Centre), 36 Woolcock Street, HYDE PARK |
 | Vulture Street All-Districts Centre (St Pauls Anglican Church Hall), 554 Vulture Street, EAST BRISBANE |
 | Woolloongabba All-Districts Centre (Nazareth Lutheran Church Hall), 12 Hawthorne Street, WOOLLOONGABBA |
 | Full Wheelchair Access |  | Assisted Wheelchair Access |