| Annerley (Junction Park State School) Gowrie Street, ANNERLEY |
 | Annerley Junction (Church of Christ Hall), 459 Annerley Road, ANNERLEY |
 | Annerley South (Mary Immaculate Primary School), 616 Ipswich Road, ANNERLEY |
 | Brisbane (Primary Industries Building), 80 Ann Street, BRISBANE |
 | Clifton Hill (St Aidan's Hall) Eric Crescent, ANNERLEY |
 | Ekibin (St Lukes Hall) Ekibin Road, ANNERLEY |
 | Fairfield (Christian Family Church Hall) Cnr Cross& Sunbeam Streets, FAIRFIELD |
 | Macgregor (State High School) Blackwattle Street, MACGREGOR |
 | Moorooka (State School) Sherley Street, MOOROOKA |
 | Moorooka West (St Brendans Hall) Hawtree Street, MOOROOKA |
 | Moorvale (Scouts Hall) Vendale Avenue, MOOROOKA |
 | Rocklea (State School), 19 Elmes Road, ROCKLEA |
 | Salisbury (State School), 19 Cripps Street, SALISBURY |
 | Tarragindi (Aust Lebanese Assn of Qld Community Centre), 77 Andrew Avenue, TARRAGINDI |
 | Tarragindi East (Catholic Church Hall) Cnr Pozieres & Messines Ridge Roads, TARRAGINDI |
 | Wellers Hill (State School) Toohey Road, WELLERS HILL |
 | Yeronga (State School), 122 Park Road, YERONGA |
 | Yeronga West (St Sebastians School) Cnr Kadumba & Rome Streets, YERONGA |
 | Full Wheelchair Access |  | Assisted Wheelchair Access |