| Amamoor (State School), 2 Elizabeth Street, AMAMOOR |
 | Boreen Point (Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club), 24 Boreen Parade, BOREEN POINT |
 | Chatsworth (State School) Bruce Highway, CHATSWORTH |
 | Cooloola Cove (Veterans Community Hall), cnr Nautilus & Santamaria Avenue, COOLOOLA COVE |
 | Cooran (State School), 31 James Street, COORAN |
 | Cooroy (Noosa District High School), 2 Tulip Street, COOROY |
 | Federal (State School), 40 Middle Creek Road, FEDERAL |
 | Goomboorian (Hall) Tin Can Bay Road, GOOMBOORIAN |
 | Gympie (Court House), 38 Channon Street, GYMPIE |
 | Gympie City (Senior Citizens Centre) Mellor Street, GYMPIE |
 | Gympie East (State School), 219 Cedar Pocket, GYMPIE |
 | Gympie High (State High School) Cootharaba Road, GYMPIE |
 | Gympie South (State School), 50 Exhibition Road, GYMPIE |
 | Horseshoe Bend (Church Of Christ Hall), 10 Tucker Street, GYMPIE |
 | Imbil (Mary Valley State College) Edward Street, IMBIL |
 | James Nash (State High School), 109 Myall Street, GYMPIE |
 | Jones Hill (State School) Heilbronn Road, GYMPIE |
 | Kandanga (Community Hall) Main Street, KANDANGA |
 | Kin Kin (State School), 26 - 32 Main Street, KIN KIN |
 | Monkland (State School), 220 Brisbane Road, GYMPIE |
 | Mothar Mountain (Hall) Cnr Old Noosa & Shadbolt Roads, MOTHAR MOUNTAIN |
 | One Mile (State School), 1 John Street, GYMPIE |
 | Pie Creek (Pie Creek Hall) Herron Road, PIE CREEK |
 | Pomona (Pomona Campus of Noosa District High School) Summit Road, POMONA |
 | Rainbow Beach (State School), 1 Warooga Road, RAINBOW BEACH |
 | Tin Can Bay (State School), 2 Snapper Creek Road, TIN CAN BAY |
 | Veteran (Hall), 594 Sandy Creek Road, VETERAN |
 | Wolvi (State School), 936 Kin Kin Road, WOLVI |
 | BLV - Telephone Only - Visual Impaired Telephone Voting, PLEASE CALL |
 | Brisbane CBD All-Districts Centre (Brisbane City Hall, Sandgate Room), 64 Adelaide Street, BRISBANE |
 | Bundaberg All-Districts Centre, 42 Woondooma Street, BUNDABERG |
 | Burleigh All-Districts Centre (Fradgley Hall (above library building)) Park Avenue (cnr Ocean Street), BURLEIGH HEADS |
 | Cairns All-Districts Centre (Cairns Showgrounds) Cnr Severin Street & Mulgrave Road, CAIRNS |
 | Mackay All-Districts Centre (Mackay Showgrounds), 24 Milton Street, MACKAY |
 | Maroochydore All-Districts Centre (Millwell Road Community Centre), 11 Millwell Road East, MAROOCHYDORE |
 | Noosa All-Districts Centre (Noosa Christian Outreach Centre Hall), 202 Eumundi Noosa Road, NOOSAVILLE |
 | Southport All-Districts Centre (Southport Community Centre), 6 Lawson Street, SOUTHPORT |
 | Full Wheelchair Access |  | Assisted Wheelchair Access |